Welcome to Aearon's Pokézone!
Pokémon Sleep is half game, half sleep tracker, and it should not be as engaging as it is.
The gameplay loop is, at its core, very simple. During the day, your team of up to 5 Pokémon gather berries that are fed directly to a friendly Snorlax, and ingredients that are cooked into breakfast, lunch and dinner. The more Snorlax eats, the stronger its power grows, and more and stronger Pokémon arrive while you sleep. Each member of your team has a special ability that can trigger to help you out, whether that's summoning ingredients, giving your team more energy, or directly improving Snorlax's strength.
What's kept me coming back for almost a year now are the intricacies of the system. Each Pokémon species has a base collection rate that can be modified by various sub skills and natures, meaning that there are a variety of tier lists available.
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Morbi sapien nibh, porta quis sem ut, mollis auctor risus. Suspendisse vel arcu eget libero egestas rutrum ac id nibh. In ut dui non nibh rhoncus ornare ac a metus. Mauris semper ipsum ac eros placerat dictum. In eget nibh accumsan, tincidunt nisi in, mattis lacus. Vivamus egestas tellus in nunc egestas sodales. Suspendisse vitae erat in elit porttitor consequat molestie sed neque. Nam venenatis tortor sem, et mollis urna varius ut. Ut pretium arcu scelerisque velit semper, a bibendum turpis scelerisque. Nulla vehicula tincidunt massa, sed eleifend turpis. Maecenas a interdum libero.